Distributed Caching in ASP.NET Core with Redis

I saw almost an 80% decrease in the response times for certain API endpoints and an almost 20% reduction in overall costs after introducing caching into the application. 🀘

In the .NET Series, next, we will discuss using the 'IDistributedCache' interface in #aspnetcore, and how to integrate it with Redis. 😎

We will cover the following,

  • All about Distributed Caching and the IDistributedCache interface.

  • Pros & Tradeoff of Distributed Caching.

  • Understanding Redis.

  • Running Redis on Docker Containers and some CLI commands.

  • Integration with #aspnetcore

  • Testing Response Times

In the next article, we go through one of the following.

  1. IHybridCache in .NET 9

  2. Response Caching with MediatR

  3. Docker for .NET Developers

Which one would you prefer next? Let me know in the comment section of this LinkedIn post: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7203650918385344512/ πŸ‘€

Thanks, and have a great week ahead!


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